Does my Business Need a Blog?


The benefits of having a Business Blog

A business blog can definitely increase your presence on the internet.

This is because blogging is a low-cost but high impact inbound marketing strategy.  Caloundra Web DesignIf you consistently blog, the search engines will see your website as dynamic.  Every time a new article is published, the search engine will see this as fresh content and your website will be bumped further towards the top of the Search Results.  This means that more potential customers will find your business and this translates into more leads.

Your Business Blog 

You can use your blog to talk to your potential and existing customers in language that they will understand and be familiar with.  Think about what problems they would like solved and offer them the solution. The goal of your business blog will be to publish valuable, non-promotional posts, as you would expect to see in an independent industry magazine. Consistent and relevant content posted to your blog will keep your customers engaged and your brand strong.

Web Design in Caloundra

Let us  set up and maintain a blog for your business website in Caloundra, 

What is the purpose of a blog?

Wordpress marketing strategy

Every business should have a blog.

A blog site has many advantages over a static web site.  A blog can be constantly updated and thereby attracts the attention of Google. But you don’t have to get search engine ratings to have a blog.

You don’t want to be homeless on the internet.

The purpose of a blog is that it’s your home on the internet.  You can post the blog to your social media.  You can then use it to generate leads and make sales.  Everything can go there.  It is your business location on the internet. You can also “guest post” on other websites and leverage off other people’s blogs.

Here are 5 main reasons to blog:

  1. A blog has been described as an undercover sales page.  When people visit a blog post they have their guard down. It’s a great way to sell.
  2. It’s also a great way to direct traffic to your business.  Because blog posts are easy to share around the internet, when people are on your post, you can direct them back to your lead capture page or affiliate company website.
  3. It’s easy to share.  Pretty much all the popular social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In are very blog friendly. It’s ridiculously easy to post a link to your blog post on any social site.
  4. It’s a great way to get subscribers.  By having an “Opt-In” form on your blog. You can link that form to an email management service like GetResponse.
  5. And last but not least, blogging can be fun!   Instead of making it a chore, you can actually make blogging fun.  Play around with it – add your personality, give it some kind of uniqueness and build a following on the internet.